Saturday, November 12, 2011


Pilot Bio

Pilot Bio worth spending uridium on.  Pilot bio helps increase the ships HP, damage and sheild power.

As per my view, I would invest my uridium on defensive pilot points rather than any other until I am full elite. If you put logs in Ship Hull I and II, it will give your ship 50000 HP more above the basic ship hull. Pilot points in sheild mechanics make your ships shield withstand more damage, and this pilot bio is useful with both enemy players as well as aliens.  There are lots of ways to increase damage, but very less options for defense.  You can use elite ammos, damage boosters, etc to inflict more damage on the enemy, but if your defense is not so strong, you wont be able to withstand their damage, thus in order to get yourself some time to stand there and able to use all your strength you need more pilot points in defensive pilot bios rather than offensive.  Most of the defensive pilot bios works with both aliens as well as enemy players, whereas for damage pilot bios, you have to put pilot points separately for the pilot bios that increases damage to the enemy players and pilot bios that increases damage to the aliens.

1 comment:

  1. I would invest my uridium on defensive pilot points rather than any other until I am full elite. If you put logs in Ship Hull I and II, it will give your ship 50000 HP more above the basic ship hull. free darkorbit account
